EXIST 2022: Sexism detection (EN)

Binary classification problem, consisting in determmine whether a text or message is sexist or not. It includes any type of sexist expression or related phenomena, like descriptive or reported assertions where the sexist message is a report or a description of a sexist event. In particular, we consider two labels:

  • Sexist: the tweet or gab expresses sexist behaviours or discourses.
  • Non-Sexist: the tweet or gab does not express any sexist behaviour or discourse.
Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez, Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz, Laura Plaza, Adrián Mendieta-Aragón, Guillermo Marco-Remón, Maryna Makeienko, María Plaza, Julio Gonzalo, Damiano Spina, Paolo Rosso (2022) Overview of EXIST 2022: sEXism Identification in Social neTworks. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 69, septiembre de 2022, pp. 229-240.
NLP topic
Tarea abstracta
Métrica Ranking

Mejores resultados para la tarea

Sistema Precisión Recall F1 Accuracy ICM
AIT_FHSTP_1 0.7705 0.7788 0.7693 0.7712 0.30
multiaztertest_1 0.7939 0.8018 0.7953 0.7981 0.37
AIT_FHSTP_3 0.7633 0.7690 0.7650 0.7692 0.28
I2C_1 0.8161 0.8253 0.8171 0.8192 0.44
avacaondata_1 0.8454 0.8454 0.8454 0.8500 0.52
I2C_2 0.7926 0.8011 0.7876 0.7885 0.36
avacaondata_2 0.5625 0.0551 0.1002 0.0558 -0.92
I2C_3 0.7900 0.7892 0.7896 0.7962 0.35
avacaondata_3 0.8454 0.8454 0.8454 0.8500 0.52
LPtower_1 0.7838 0.7870 0.7852 0.7904 0.34